在加護病房裡,每天都可能會經歷生離死別,而ICU是加護病房 (Intensive Care Unit)的縮寫,在寵物展毛孩主人分享答是『I want to see you』。


『氧氣濃度系統』,氧氣也是一種藥物,應在適當時機給予毛孩適當的劑量且進行精準氧氣濃度控制是必要 的,給予太多或太少都是有危害的。
預防勝於治療,快速精準控制機能設備就交給Menix 一切沒你事!
Do you know what “ICU” stands for?
ICU stands for “Intensive Care Unit.” In the ICU, life-and-death moments can come about on a daily basis. How stressful it is just to think about the weight of one’s duties in the ICU. However, at a pet show, a pet owner shared with us this witty answer, which sheds a positive light on the heavy topic, “ICU means ‘I wanna see you’.“
The Intensive Care Unit is a ward in an animal hospital designed for patients needing intensive medical care. The patients’ trust in humans stems from caregivers‘ meticulous attention to their needs and detail. Menios veterinary ICU is equipped with three independent air conditioning systems to prevent cross-infection. It also features control systems for ”oxygen concentration,“ ”temperature,“ ”humidity,“ and ”ventilation regulation,“ which allow its operators to continuously monitor and adjust the care environment as needed.
Especially concerning oxygen, a therapeutic element, too much or too little of which can be harmful to patients receiving intensive medical care, precise control of the degrees of oxygen concentration is necessary to administer appropriate doses to pets in the ICU.
Wish to tackle your stressful ICU tasks with swift and accurate control? Sit back and relax. Leave your intensive care worries to the smart monitoring and alarming system presented by Menix, and you’ll have nothing but “Many Thanks” on your carefree mind.